Welcome to the World of Empathic Leadership with a Twist of Action! I'm here to ignite sparks in careers, startups, teams, and cultures fueled by an unending passion for making things happen.

Dive into a realm where out-of-the-box thinking meets innovation, and every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Areas of Expertise

Leadership & Innovation

Public Speaking

Product Creation

Engineering Management

My Services

Professional Development Program

Looking to spend that professional budget or jump-start your career in tech or management? This is the place to be!

With over 100 coached professionals from all backgrounds, I am here to understand you and your context and explore those opportunities there.

Sign up to your career bloom >>

Public Speaking Program

Public speaking is for everyone, but can anyone discover your unique style so as not to kill your passion for it?

Well, look no further! After 13 years of investment in the area, some of the best preparatory courses from Dale Carnegie, Stanford, Toastmasters, and more can be at your disposal with my expertise!

Find and define your inner voice >>

Business Consulting Program

Kickstarting your business is hard, and the failure rate is now bigger than ever, but you can have the advantage of one of the best technology professionals on the market on your side!

From startups to corporations, I consult businesses to find the technological advancements that they can use to gain an edge!

Get your own tech expert in the team >>

Subjects I talk about now:

The Renaissance Era of Technology

Leading with Empathy & Effect

Innovation based on trust

The simple value that wins

Mentoring & Coaching for you

Teams that can run marathons